Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary






Stretch marks and Loose skin BE GONE!

Life just isn’t fair sometimes! An example of this is abdominal laxity and stretch marks. Women who do something wonderful, like give life for example, can be left with skin that is flaccid or wrinkled on their abdomen. A person who has done something wonderful for themselves like lose weight, can be left with loose skin as well. >>



Anyone who grows too quickly, for whatever reason can be left with stretch marks. Loose skin and stretch marks are the bane of women and men, but women are affected far more often, especially after having a baby.

Skin laxity appears most commonly on the abdomen, the upper arms, the thighs and the neck. It may be subtle, appearing only when the skin moves or in bright light. More severe laxity may resemble the texture of a rubber balloon that has been inflated and then had the air released. Stretch marks tend to occur near the armpits, on the thighs, on the flanks, abdomen, chest and groin. They appear as linear streaks on the skin, beginning as flat red lines and fading over time to become depressed white striations. Sometimes they remain red. They may affect a wide area of skin or appear randomly here and there

If the skin on your abdomen (or elsewhere) is flaccid, wrinkled or scarred with stretch marks, I have exciting news! Skinpossible has acquired Fotona’s XP Dynamis and XS Dynamis lasers, two new lasers that were recently introduced to the North American market. The expanded capabilities of these two versatile lasers open a whole new realm of promising possibilities for rejuvenating damaged skin.

Loose skin and stretch marks often occur in unison but the two conditions do not necessarily go hand-in-hand. One can appear without the other. In any case, the versatility of having these two unique lasers allows us to customized combinations that can tighten skin, improve the appearance of stretch marks, or do both simultaneously.

Body Skin Tightening

Three modalities are used to stimulate collagen production at three depths simultaneously

Stimulates collagen production superficially and deeply
Targets deeper skin imperfections to restore even and tone
Smooths the surface of the skin to improve texture
Fast, comfortable and non-invasive
Lengthy sun avoidance not require

Stretch Mark Reduction

Treating stretch marks in the absence of loose skin involves two modalities that work together

Tightens skin to reduce laxity of skin around and inside the stretch marks themselves
Diminishes pigment in red stretch marks, fades white stretch marks

Tightening and Stretch Mark Combination

When loose skin and stretch marks appear together four modalities are used in unison to provide the benefits of both the skin tightening and stretch mark treatment combined. These treatments are safe and effective for fair, medium or dark skin.

Can these treatments restore your skin to the way it looked before? Maybe. It depends on the degree of laxity and scarring. To find out if you are a candidate, call and book a consultation. We will give you all the information you need to make an informed decision.




Skinpossible is a medical aesthetics clinic located in the community of Chaparral Valley. If you would like to investigate the numerous anti-aging options that are available, call and book a consultation. Our goal is to address your concerns and give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision. This will help you choose the right treatment or combination of treatments to achieve the results you desire within the budget you have to invest. Evening and Saturday appointments are available. Consultations and parking are free.


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