Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary



img src lightsheer-hair-removalLaser Hair Removal has evolved! Now it's faster and Painless.

Women have been shaving their legs and underarms for decades. It’s a cumbersome chore that needs to be done frequently to avoid stubble. Feminine facial hair is even more cumbersome. 

It is common in certain ethnic groups and increases in most ethnicities after menopause. Hairy backs have never been considered attractive, but nowadays it seems that body hair in general is considered unsightly on men as well as women. In an era where all of us seem busier than ever, shaving is time-consuming and the cost
of professional waxing can add up. Ingrown hairs that can result from ongoing shaving or waxing are unsightly and can even be painful.

Imagine the freedom of enjoying smooth skin, free of stubble, without the need to shave or wax. Laser Hair Removal, which has been around since the mid nineteen-nineties, can permanently destroy the hair follicles and their ability to grow hair where it is unwanted. Nowadays, there seems to be a treatment provider on every corner. Not all technology works equally well, however. Medical-grade differs greatly from spa-grade. Having a basic understanding of how laser hair removal works
and what to expect will save you money, time, and possibly disappointment.

Lumenis LightSheer DESIRE Diode Laser 3  50224 zoomThe earliest generation of laser to attempt laser hair removal was known as a Ruby. Rubies were not gems. Fortunately permanent hair reduction, as the treatment is officially known, has evolved. Nowadays the treatment is done with either an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light machine) or various lasers, known as Alexandrites, ND Yags or Diodes. Each has its pros and cons, its advantages, risks and limitations.

If you have ever been to Skinpossible’s website or the clinic itself you may be aware that Skinpossible has more technology than any other clinic in Calgary. Skinpossible has all of the above and all of our technology is tier-one within its class. We are thrilled to announce that we recently acquired a Lumenis Lightsheer!

So what’s the big deal about Lumenis Lightsheer? First of all, it is a diode laser that was designed specifically for permanent hair removal. Diodes are recognized to have the optimal depth of penetration and energy absorption to target hair follicles. Hair removal with diode lasers generally requires fewer treatments, but the Lightsheer goes beyond that.



There are a number of additional reasons why we are so excited to introduce a LightSheer to our practice:

Suitable for fair and dark skintypes: Since lasers and light used for hair removal are looking beneath the surface of the skin for pigment in the hair follicle, not all technologies are suitable for darker skintypes or tanned skin due to the pigment in the skin itself. Lightsheer can safely and effectively treat all but the darkest skintypes.

Speed of Treatment: The surface area that each pulse covers with the Lightsheer’s high-speed integrated technology is huge by laser standards. People are busy, and the fact that we can treat an entire back or lower legs in only twenty-minutes makes it more convenient for our patients.

Comfort: If you’ve ever had laser hair removal you know it can be painful. IPL’s are less painful but far from comfortable. The high-speed hand-piece of the Lightsheer doesn’t hurt! Of course you can feel it, but most people do not find it uncomfortable.

Lightsheer can remove hair on any area of the body. It can remove all but fine, blond or white hair. For very dark skin Skinpossible carries a ND Yag which we can use to safely treat hair on even the darkest skin. We also carry a medical-grade IPL, known as a BBL, that can treat finer hair and a lighter colour of hair than other technologies.

Purchase a Series of 6 and Pay only for 5! 


Laser Hair removal







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