Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary




Five ways to get rid of 
unwanted fat…for good!

What will you be wearing this summer?  Will lumps and bumps be affecting your wardrobe choices?  March might seem a bit early to be thinking about swim suits and shorts but it’s the perfect time to plan ahead.  Why?

Because when summer does arrive, if lumps and bumps will be affecting your wardrobe choices, CoolSculpting® can change that.  It does require a bit of advance planning, however, because it takes time for the benefits to materialize.

If you’ve read my previous articles about CoolSculpting®, you already know that CoolSculpting® is clinically proven to freeze away fat.  You may already know that it was developed by Harvard Scientists who determined that when fat cells are frozen they crystallize and die while surrounding tissues remain safe and unharmed. 

CoolSculpting® works well, achieving results that are comparable to liposuction, but without the risks, discomfort or downtime of surgery.  What I might not have made clear, however, is that results are not instant.  Let me explain further. CoolSculpting® is most often used to target fat on the abdomen, the outer thighs, and the flanks.  Other areas that patients commonly seek out include back fat, manboobs, inner thighs, and arms. 

A CoolSculpting® treatment begins with an assessment.  The treatment plan is mapped out to determine how many areas need to be treated to achieve the desired result. During a treatment a thin protective pad saturated with coupling gel is placed on the treatment area.  This protects the skin from frostbite.

The appropriate applicator is applied and then you simply relax while the fat freezes.  When the fat cells are frozen they crystallize and undergo apoptosis.  What this means in layman’s terms is that the cold exposure causes the cells to die much the same as they would from natural old-age. After the treatment the crystallized fat cells clear gradually through the body’s natural physiological processes. Most people start noticing a difference at about the four week mark.  At eight weeks the results are usually undeniable, but results continue to improve for four months. 

Application of any of the handpieces is known as a cycle. How many cycles you need to achieve the result you seek, will be determined at the time of your consultation.  In most cases only one treatment is required, although patients looking to de-bulk may require a second round.  If you are within thirty pounds of your ideal weight you could be a candidate for CoolSculpting®.

Skinpossible is a Premier CoolSculpting® service provider. We have performed over 1,000 of these treatments to date and are the only clinic in Alberta to offer DualSculpting.  What that means is that we have two machines so we can treat two areas of the body at the same time.  This saves our patients time.  

Isn’t it time to ditch the fat clothes?

We are offering our Skinny Jeans Package at 10% off, our New You Package at 15% off, and our Transform Yourself Package at 20% off.  If you would like to know more about CoolSculpting®, call and book an assessment.  Assessments and consultations are free and so is parking. Evenings and Saturday appointments are available.

Five handpieces of various sizes accommodate different shapes, sizes and areas of the body: 

  1. The CoolMax™  handpiece is for debulking and is usually used on the abdomen.
  2. CoolCore™ is used on curvier areas or on patients who do not have enough fat to be candidates for CoolMax.
  3. CoolFit™ works well on arms and inner thighs.  
  4. CoolCurve™ is for smaller figures or for sculpting areas with less fat.  It is also the applicator used to freeze chest fat on men.
  5. CoolSmooth™ is the newest applicator, it's designed to treat fat on areas such as the outer thighs. 

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