Skinpossible Dermapue chaparral calgary


Sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough! 

Genetics are to blame. CoolSculpting is the non-surgical solution! I know that may sound too good to be true so let me tell you more. 

Firstly, I’ll tell you that CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard Scientists and is backed by over 70 clinical studies that prove it works and that it is completely safe. The treatment has been in use for nine years now and has continued to improve, with numerous advancements allowing providers to freeze more areas of fat and with greater speed. The winner of numerous awards, it recently won another award from New Beauty. 

“Best Overall Fat Fighter!” 

During a treatment a thin protective pad saturated with coupling gel is placed on the treatment area to protect the skin from frostbite and make the treatment comfortable. Then the appropriate cooling device is applied and you simply relax for 35-45 minutes while the fat freezes. The cooling devices vary in size from Plus size to debulk areas such as the abdomen, to Petite and Mini sizes for areas such as double-chins, bra-fat and knees. The cooling devices also come in a variety of contours to accommodate different shapes, sizes and areas of the body. Fat on the abdomen, flanks, inner and outer thighs, arms and male chest fat are all popular treatment areas. 

coolsculpting calgary dualsculpting

When the fat cells are frozen the cold exposure causes the cells to crystallize and die. After treatment the crystallized fat cells clear gradually through the body’s natural physiological processes. Results vary from person to person but most people start noticing a difference at about the four week mark. At eight weeks the results are usually undeniable, and results continue to improve for up to four months. The treatment does not hurt and there is no downtime. The treated area may be tender for a few days but most people can return to their normal activities, including exercise, almost immediately. 

CoolSculpting is the number one fat reduction treatment in the world because it works, even for people who only have a very small amount of fat they wish to get rid of! Skinpossible has every size and shape of cooling device so as long as you have enough fat to fill up a cooling device you are a candidate. Skinpossible also has three machines so we can treat more than one area of fat at the same time. Best of all? The fat cells that clear will be gone for good. 

Skinpossible is the number one CoolSculpting provider in Alberta. Our technicians are experienced and have attended advanced training at CoolSculpting® University. Choosing an experienced provider is important because CoolSculpting works! Correct placement of the cooling devices is imperative to ensure you achieve the contour you want. 

Are you a candidate? 

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for CoolSculpting and how much it will cost to transform your body, call and schedule your consultation. Evening and Saturday appointments are available and parking is free.

CS-spot reduction


Look at the incredible CoolSculpting results!

*Results may vary



Call to book your consultation today 403.719.6523!




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